Avalokitesvara Pagoda

This beautiful building consists of seven levels. Each level has 4 statues of Guan Yin Goddess facing fourth penjuru.Pembangunanya motivated by the need to Buddhist places of worship which is more feasible and convenient. Previously in this place there is only a small monastery which had stood since 1957. Later in the year 2005 built Avalokitesvara Pagoda, built plan takes only 8 months but because waiting for the goods and statues of Chinese backed resolution to 10 months. This pagoda has many features as the starting tiles, accessories, steps from the stone reliefs (9 dragons), a swimming dragon, dragon lamps, dragon fountain to phoenix statue and candles, all taken from China. Located in Independence Pioneers road open to the public every day.

1 comment:

  1. Budaya China memang tidak luput dari "Dragon".
    Hanya delapan bulan...? Hebat


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